- Theodore Roosevelt
AB 398
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: market-based compliance mechanisms: fire prevention fees: sales and use tax manufacturing exemption
Extends the Air Resources Board's (ARB) cap and trade authority through 2030. Requires ARB to establish a price ceiling on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission allowances in consideration of specified factors, adds several new conditions governing the management and allocation of allowances, reduces limits on compliance offsets, requires ARB to designate the cap and trade regulation as the GHG emission reduction rule for petroleum refineries and oil and gas production facilities, prohibits an air district from adopting or implementing an emission reduction rule for carbon dioxide from stationary sources that are also subject to the cap and trade regulation, and make other related changes. Suspends the State Responsibility Area (SRA) fire prevention fee from July 1, 2017 to January 1, 2031, and sunsets the SRA fee thereafter. Extends and expands the existing manufacturer's partial sales and use tax exemption from July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2030.
View Bill FileSB 1547-B
The Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan
Requires each electric company providing electricity to retail electricity consumers located in this state to eliminate coal-fired resources from electric company's electricity supply.
View Bill FileAB 692
Low Carbon Transportation Fuels
This bill, commencing January 1, 2017, requires, except as provided, at least 3% of the aggregate amount of bulk transportation fuel purchased by the state government to be procured from very low carbon transportation fuel sources. The bill would require, except as provided, the percentage to be increased by 1% each year thereafter until January 1, 2024. The bill requires the Department of General Services to coordinate with state agencies that are buyers of transportation fuel and submit an annual progress report to the Legislature. The bill would define very low carbon transportation fuel for these purposes.
View Bill FileSB 350
Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015
This bill requires that the amount of electricity generated and sold to retail customers per year from eligible renewable energy resources be increased to 50% by December 31, 2030, as provided. The bill makes other revisions to the RPS Program and to certain other requirements on public utilities and publicly owned electric utilities.
View Bill FileHB 5510
An Act Concerning Electric And Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
To prepare electric distribution companies, municipalities, public and private merchants and electrical contractors for the presence and operation of electric, zero-emission and fuel cell vehicles in the state, to make changes regarding parking of hydrogen fuel vehicles under grade level and to make changes regarding labeling of vehicles that carry pressurized gas as fuel.
View Bill FileSB X 1-2
California Renewable Energy Resources Act
Increases California's Renewables Portfolio Standard goal from 20 percent by 2010 to 33 percent by 2020 and revises specified provisions of the existing RPS statutes.
View Bill FileAB 920
Solar and Wind Distributed Generation
This bill expands the current net-metering programs for wind and solar to allow net-metered customers to sell any excess electricity they produce over the course of a year to their electric utility at a rate set either by the Public Utilities Commission or by the publicly-owned utility. The rate shall be set to provide the customer-generator "just and reasonable" compensation for the surplus energy sales, while leaving other ratepayers unaffected. The utility retains ownership of the renewable energy credits (RECs) associated with any net surplus electricity it must purchase, while the customer will retain the REC associated with any electricity generated and consumed by the customer.
View Bill FileAB 32
Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
Specifies that the California Air Resources Board adopt by 2020 a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit that equals the 1990 level. Authorizes the board to monitor and implement regulations to reduce emissions of gases that cause global warming.
View Bill FileAB 2021
Public Utilities: Energy Efficiency
This bill requires the Energy Commission, on or before November 1, 2007, and every 3 years thereafter, in consultation with the commission and local publicly owned electric utilities, in a public process that allows input from other stakeholders, to develop a statewide estimate of all potentially achievable cost-effective electricity and natural gas efficiency savings and establish statewide annual targets for energy efficiency savings and demand reduction over 10 years.
View Bill FileSB 1
Electricity: Solar Energy: Net Metering
This bill requires beginning January 1, 2011, a seller of production homes, as defined, to offer the option of a solar energy system, as defined, to all customers negotiating to purchase a new production home constructed on land meeting certain criteria and to disclose certain information.related to this provision. This bill would require the PUC, in implementing the California Solar Initiative, to authorize the award of monetary incentives for up to the first megawatt of alternating current generated by an eligible solar energy system.
View Bill FileAB 1007
Air Quality: Alternative Fuels
This bill requires, not later than June 30, 2007, the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, in partnership with the state board, and in consultation with specified state agencies, to develop and adopt a state plan to increase the use of alternative fuels.
View Bill FileAB 1660
California Energy-Efficient Vehicle Group Purchase Program
Enacts the California Energy-Efficient Vehicle Group Purchase Program to encourage state and local government agencies to buy energy-efficient motor vehicles through a group-purchasing program that uses the purchasing leverage of state and local agencies to lower the purchase price.
View Bill FileSB 1037
Energy Efficiency
This bill would require the commission, in consultation with the Energy Commission, to identify all potentially achievable cost-effective electricity efficiency savings and to establish efficiency targets for an electrical corporation to achieve pursuant to its procurement plan. The bill would require that an electrical corporation's procurement plan include a showing that the electrical corporation will first meet its unmet resource needs through all available energy efficiency and demand reduction resources that are cost effective, reliable, and feasible.
View Bill FileAB 1493
Vehicular Emissions: Greenhouse Gases
This bill would require the state board to develop and adopt, by January 1, 2005, regulations that achieve the maximum feasible reduction of greenhouse gases emitted by passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks and any other vehicles determined by the state board to be vehicles whose primary use is noncommercial personal transportation in the state.
View Bill FileSB 1771
California Climate Action Registry
This bill establishes the California Climate Action Registry to establish, among other things, emissions baselines against which any future federal greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements may be applied, to encourage voluntary actions to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to record voluntary greenhouse gas emissions made after 1990.
View Bill FileSB 25
Environmental Health Protection: Children
This bill requires the State Air Resources Board to carry out an ongoing review of ambient air quality and toxic air contaminants. Also creates a Children's Environmental Health Center within Cal EPA to, among other things, serve as the chief advisor to the Secretary of Cal EPA on matters within the agency relating to environmental health and environmental protection as it relates to children.
View Bill File